Friday Jan 23, 2009
3 Definite Paths to Network Marketing (MLM) Failure
Click here // Over 95% of network marketing reps fail to make money or recover their initial investment from the start. What is the cause of this high failure rate? Where is the problem? There are too many successful stories from the network marketing industry. It had created many millionaires in the history. So the problems lie in the belief and expectation of people. There are three guaranteed ways to fail in network marketing. They all have to do with incorrect mindset about the industry. (1) People look for get rich quick scheme Nothing is given to you for free. Some people think that network marketing is like striking a lottery, where you put in a little or no effort and you expect a huge return. If you have this mentality, you are getting yourself into a shock. Network marketing is a model that speeds up your wealth creation but you have to work for it. (2) Waiting for your upline to pass down profit to you. Doing nothing and expecting your upline to place downlines under your group is another sure way to fail. Even if this is characteristic of compensation plan, you have not acquired knowledge and develop skills of a successful business builder. In order to be successful and make lots of money in this business, what you need is a team of people who are actively promoting the business to other people. Just imagine what type of downline you will attract to join you when you have a mentality of “sit and wait”. (3) They made to believe that if you start high, you won’t have to work very hard. Some network marketing compensation plans allow you to go to a higher level upon entry. You do this by buying more products out front for your consumption and retail. This will give you larger commission checks in return. Remember, if you have sold nothing, even with a high commission payout, you still get nothing. This will work if you are prepared to work hard to find a lot of people to duplicate your effort in a short time. Since you had committed a bigger initial investment, you need to work harder to recover that investment. Don’t let these three paths to network marketing(MLM) failure become your paths. Work hard and put in the time, and you will succeed in your network marketing business.
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